CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
2023 Preliminary Budget Survey - Phase 1 Engagement
As staff begin to compile the draft 2023 budget, the Town is seeking to engage the taxpayers to help identify budget priorities for the coming year. The 2023 Operating and Capital Budget Community Engagement project will be broken down into two pieces:
Phase 1: Preliminary Engagement
- A preliminary survey will be circulated to provide insight from taxpayers on the programs and services that are most valued, the level of satisfaction in service delivery and the issues they feel are most important for our community at this time.
- Results of the preliminary survey will be presented to Council in January, prior to the Divisional Budget Staff Presentation Meetings. These findings will therefore support Council’s decision-making during budget deliberation.
Phase 2: Feedback on the Draft 2023 Budget
- A secondary survey will be circulated following the presentation of the draft budget. This survey will provide taxpayers the opportunity to weigh in on the capital projects identified by staff in their draft budgets.