Taxicab Bylaw
Consultation has concluded

Background Information
The Town of Cobourg's Legislative Services Department administers Taxicab bylaw 014-2014, a bylaw to licence, regulate and govern taxicab owners and drivers, and its amendments, 088-2016 and 013-2019 through licensing and inspection.
Throughout the last few years, Legislative Services have received several comments from passengers, taxicab drivers and taxicab owners. Cobourg Council has directed Legislative Services staff to conduct public engagement research, through an online survey and forum, to explore the concerns of passengers, citizens and those who operate the taxicab industry within the Town of Cobourg.
The public engagement objective for taxicab bylaw is to:
- Provide comment and dialogue on the incorporation of ride-sharing/vehicle-for-hire within the Town of Cobourg's By-law.
- Gather feedback from four different audiences, including: taxicab passengers, taxicab owners, taxicab drivers and the general public who reside in the Town of Cobourg.
- Provide perspective on the current state of the Taxicab bylaw 014-2014.
Provide insight on taxicab services in the Town of Cobourg.
We're looking for your feedback:
To share your thoughts on Taxicab services within the Town of Cobourg, please contribute to the following public engagement opportunities below, including: