A Letter from the Director of Regulatory Finance
Lakefront Utilities Inc. (LUI) applies to the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) every year to approve rates for the following year. These applications are on a five-year cycle, with a detailed Cost of Service review in year 1, followed by inflationary adjustments in years 2 through 5. Much of the Cost of Service application relates to reviewing LUI’s costs and setting its base distribution rates.
Lakefront is committed to meeting the needs of customers through effective customer engagement and ensuring the safe and reliable delivery of electricity through efficient operations, strong fiscal management, ongoing system renewal, and conservation initiatives.
Lakefront is focused on ensuring the electricity network is maintained, renewed, and modernized in ways which are meaningful to its customers. The planned customer engagement activities invite customers to learn about their utility and the industry, tell LUI about things which are important to them, and to prioritize or assess various capital projects and programs, operational plans, and other initiatives.
Lakefront Utilities Inc. strives to exceed customers’ expectations. This is only possible through two-way communication with our ratepayers. LUI urges customers to take a moment to register on this site and subscribe to receive updates as the application progresses. Customers’ continual engagement in this process will ensure LUI’s 5-year plan is inclusive of customers’ priorities as it relates to the local distribution system.
Adam Giddings, CPA, CA
Director of Regulatory Finance