Lakefront Utilities Inc.’s 2022-2026 Cost of Service Rate Application
Lakefront Utilities Inc. (LUI) is currently writing its application to the Ontario Energy Board which establishes rates and capital projects for 2022-2027 and needs customers’ input.
Customers in Cobourg and Colborne can participate in shaping LUI’s 5-year plan by making sure their opinion is heard as it relates to local electricity services. As LUI’s plan develops, so will this site with new ways to participate based on feedback received from customers. Customers can also track the progression of the application and see how their needs and priorities have helped shape the 5-year plan.
Customer engagement as it relates to theContinue reading
Lakefront Utilities Inc. (LUI) is currently writing its application to the Ontario Energy Board which establishes rates and capital projects for 2022-2027 and needs customers’ input.
Customers in Cobourg and Colborne can participate in shaping LUI’s 5-year plan by making sure their opinion is heard as it relates to local electricity services. As LUI’s plan develops, so will this site with new ways to participate based on feedback received from customers. Customers can also track the progression of the application and see how their needs and priorities have helped shape the 5-year plan.
Customer engagement as it relates to the Cost of Service application is not limited to this site. Further opportunities for customers to share their thoughts will be available through virtual community events, in-person discussions, focus groups and more. Details of opportunities will be posted to this site as well as shared through LUI’s communication channels.
The primary goal of this engagement project is to gather community feedback and insight on local electrical services, which will be considered in Lakefront Utilities Inc.’s 2022-2026 Cost of Service rate application.
The public engagement objective is to:
- Help inform Lakefront Utilities Inc. on what matters most to you regarding your local electrical services.
We're looking for your feedback:
To share your thoughts on the 2022-2026 Cost of Service Rate Application, please contribute to the following public engagement opportunity below:
- Complete the Survey
- Take the Quick Poll
- Ask a Question
Lakefront Utilities Inc. has Applied to the Ontario Energy Board to Increase its Electricity Distribution Rates
Share Lakefront Utilities Inc. has Applied to the Ontario Energy Board to Increase its Electricity Distribution Rates on Facebook Share Lakefront Utilities Inc. has Applied to the Ontario Energy Board to Increase its Electricity Distribution Rates on Twitter Share Lakefront Utilities Inc. has Applied to the Ontario Energy Board to Increase its Electricity Distribution Rates on Linkedin Email Lakefront Utilities Inc. has Applied to the Ontario Energy Board to Increase its Electricity Distribution Rates linkLakefront Utilities Inc. has applied to the Ontario Energy Board to change our electricity distribution rates.
Please review the Ontario Energy Board’s Notice of Hearing to learn more and to find out how you can participate in the Ontario Energy Board’s hearing.
More information can be found at
Customer Consultations
Share Customer Consultations on Facebook Share Customer Consultations on Twitter Share Customer Consultations on Linkedin Email Customer Consultations linkLakefront Utilities Inc. (LUI) is currently working on their Cost of Service application to the Ontario Energy Board which will form LUI’s rates, capital projects, investments, etc. for the next 5 years. As part of the application process, LUI is engaging different groups of customers to discuss the application and its possible impacts, as well as to hear their feedback about priorities and concerns in regards to their electric services. These conversations help to ensure that LUI’s application aligns with their customers’ expectations and needs.
Due to the pandemic, Lakefront is hosting several group consultations via Zoom virtual meetings:
- Low Income Customers – Monday, March 1, 2021 @ 10:30am
- Environmental Interest Groups – Tuesday, March 2, 2021 @ 10:30am
- Senior Customers – Wednesday, March 3, 2021 @ 10:30am
- Commercial Businesses – Thursday, March 4, 2021 @ 10:30am
- Industrial Businesses – Friday, March 5, 2021 @ 10:30am
- Shareholders – Closed Meeting
While Lakefront Utilities has contacted customers representing these various groups to attend the consultations, LUI is extending the invitation to their broader customer base should a customer be interested in participating in any of these consultations. The number of participants is limited to encourage active conversation. Anyone interested in participating is asked to email
LUI seeks OEB approval to charge Standby Rate
Share LUI seeks OEB approval to charge Standby Rate on Facebook Share LUI seeks OEB approval to charge Standby Rate on Twitter Share LUI seeks OEB approval to charge Standby Rate on Linkedin Email LUI seeks OEB approval to charge Standby Rate linkIn 2021, Lakefront Utilities Inc. (LUI) plans to apply to the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) to request approval for a proposed electricity distribution standby rate which will be charged to customers who have installed load displacement generation projects such as combined heat and power systems or other load displacement projects.
Customers install load displacement generation (LDG) systems to effectively offset their facility’s monthly peak demand. Customers moving off-grid may choose not to sever their connection from the grid entirely. Rather, they may elect to preserve grid connection as a secondary source of electricity in the case that their primary source fails. This allows the customer to simultaneously minimize electricity costs in favour of their own load displacement generation, while having the security of being connected to the local grid for backup.
Under the current distribution rate structure, this shift in how some customers use their connection to the local distribution system prevents LUI from recovering their costs while requiring LUI to maintain a distribution system capable of keeping such customers connected. This current structure can lead to customers without LDG subsidizing customers with LDG systems. The purpose of the proposed standby rate is to ensure that the local distribution system remains whole and that customers without LDG or behind the meter generation are not subsidizing customers with LDG or other behind the meter generation.
Customers who have or are considering installing a load displacement project to offset their monthly peak demand and wish to continue to utilize LUI’s distribution system to provide back-up electricity services, may be required to pay a standby rate should the rate be approved during LUI’s rate approval process.
A workbook that reviews the standby rate in greater detail is available on this site under “Documents”. Find it here.
Lakefront Utilities Inc. is interested in hearing customer comments on this proposed rate. Any feedback provided will be carefully considered by LUI and incorporated into LUI’s application to the OEB in April 2021.
Neighbourhood Consultation: Downtown Conversion, Cobourg
Share Neighbourhood Consultation: Downtown Conversion, Cobourg on Facebook Share Neighbourhood Consultation: Downtown Conversion, Cobourg on Twitter Share Neighbourhood Consultation: Downtown Conversion, Cobourg on Linkedin Email Neighbourhood Consultation: Downtown Conversion, Cobourg linkThe Electric Department of Lakefront Utilities Inc. will be hosting an informal Customer Consultation for electric customers located along Division Street, from Havelock to Covert, and Covert Street to talk about proposed electrical upgrades that could be happening in 2021 and 2022.
In the interest of safety and physical distancing, the Consultations will be hosted by appointment at Lakefront Utilities’ office at 207 Division Street in Cobourg on Monday, December 7th and Tuesday, December 8th. Customers are invited to contact Alexis Smith at or 905-372-2193 ext. 5224 to book a time to meet with our Staff and learn more about the proposed capital work. Staff of Lakefront Utilities will be available to discuss the potential infrastructure upgrades and address any concerns regarding costs, power interruptions, timing, road access, noise, service, etc. Preliminary details of the proposed capital work are attached to this letter.
This event is the third Neighbourhood Consultation scheduled to discuss proposed capital plans for 2022-2026.
Neighbourhood Consultation: Elgin Street, Cobourg
Share Neighbourhood Consultation: Elgin Street, Cobourg on Facebook Share Neighbourhood Consultation: Elgin Street, Cobourg on Twitter Share Neighbourhood Consultation: Elgin Street, Cobourg on Linkedin Email Neighbourhood Consultation: Elgin Street, Cobourg linkThe Electric Department of Lakefront Utilities Inc. will be hosting an informal Neighbourhood Consultation for electric customers located along Elgin Street in Cobourg on Tuesday, November 10. In the case of inclement weather, the event will be rescheduled to Thursday, November 12, 2020.
In the interest of public safety, the Consultation will be hosted outside of the Lions Community Centre at 157 Elgin Street East. Parliament Street and Victoria Street customers are invited to stop by between 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm, grab a coffee, and learn more about the proposed capital work that could be happening along Elgin Street between 2022 and 2026. Staff of Lakefront Utilities will have information, drawings and maps on hand to discuss the potential electric infrastructure upgrades and address any concerns regarding costs, power interruptions, road access, noise, service, etc.
The Elgin Street event is the second of three Neighbourhood Consultations scheduled to discuss proposed capital plans for 2022-2026.
Neighbourhood Consultation: Victoria Street and Parliament Street, Colborne
Share Neighbourhood Consultation: Victoria Street and Parliament Street, Colborne on Facebook Share Neighbourhood Consultation: Victoria Street and Parliament Street, Colborne on Twitter Share Neighbourhood Consultation: Victoria Street and Parliament Street, Colborne on Linkedin Email Neighbourhood Consultation: Victoria Street and Parliament Street, Colborne linkThe Electric Department of Lakefront Utilities Inc. will be hosting an informal Neighbourhood Consultation for residents of Parliament Street and Victoria Street in Colborne on Thursday, October 29. In the case of inclement weather, the event will be rescheduled to Tuesday, November 3, 2020.
In the interest of public safety, the Consultation will be hosted outside in Victoria Square at the corner of Church Street West and Percy Street in Colborne. Parliament Street and Victoria Street customers are invited to stop by between 4:30 pm and 6:30 pm, grab a coffee, and learn more about the proposed capital work that could be happening in their neighbourhood between 2022 and 2024. Staff of Lakefront Utilities will have information, drawings and maps on hand to discuss the potential electric infrastructure upgrades and address any concerns regarding costs, power interruptions, road access, noise, service, etc.
The Colborne event is the first of three Neighbourhood Consultations scheduled to discuss proposed capital plans for 2022-2026.
A Letter from the Director of Regulatory Finance
Share A Letter from the Director of Regulatory Finance on Facebook Share A Letter from the Director of Regulatory Finance on Twitter Share A Letter from the Director of Regulatory Finance on Linkedin Email A Letter from the Director of Regulatory Finance linkLakefront Utilities Inc. (LUI) applies to the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) every year to approve rates for the following year. These applications are on a five-year cycle, with a detailed Cost of Service review in year 1, followed by inflationary adjustments in years 2 through 5. Much of the Cost of Service application relates to reviewing LUI’s costs and setting its base distribution rates.
Lakefront is committed to meeting the needs of customers through effective customer engagement and ensuring the safe and reliable delivery of electricity through efficient operations, strong fiscal management, ongoing system renewal, and conservation initiatives.
Lakefront is focused on ensuring the electricity network is maintained, renewed, and modernized in ways which are meaningful to its customers. The planned customer engagement activities invite customers to learn about their utility and the industry, tell LUI about things which are important to them, and to prioritize or assess various capital projects and programs, operational plans, and other initiatives.
Lakefront Utilities Inc. strives to exceed customers’ expectations. This is only possible through two-way communication with our ratepayers. LUI urges customers to take a moment to register on this site and subscribe to receive updates as the application progresses. Customers’ continual engagement in this process will ensure LUI’s 5-year plan is inclusive of customers’ priorities as it relates to the local distribution system.
Adam Giddings, CPA, CA
Director of Regulatory Finance
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Engagement Schedule
Lakefront Utilities Inc.’s 2022-2026 Cost of Service Rate Application has finished this stageLUI is canvassing ratepayers for initial feedback on costs, projects, and priorities.
Application Update
Lakefront Utilities Inc.’s 2022-2026 Cost of Service Rate Application has finished this stageLUI is updating their draft application based on customers’ preliminary input. The Survey is now closed.
Document Upload
Lakefront Utilities Inc.’s 2022-2026 Cost of Service Rate Application has finished this stageLUI is uploading the draft Asset Condition Assessment, Customer Workbooks, details on proposed capital work, etc.
Lakefront Utilities Inc.’s 2022-2026 Cost of Service Rate Application has finished this stageLUI is obtaining additional feedback from ratepayers on analysis, alternatives, and/or decisions.
Lakefront Utilities Inc.’s 2022-2026 Cost of Service Rate Application has finished this stageLUI is analyzing customers’ feedback to ensure representation in LUI’s Cost of Service rate application.
File Plan
Lakefront Utilities Inc.’s 2022-2026 Cost of Service Rate Application is currently at this stageLUI has filed their COS rate application with the OEB. Customer consultations have been completed.
this is an upcoming stage for Lakefront Utilities Inc.’s 2022-2026 Cost of Service Rate ApplicationLUI is discussing the COS rate application with the OEB and Intervenors.
Plan Review
this is an upcoming stage for Lakefront Utilities Inc.’s 2022-2026 Cost of Service Rate ApplicationThe OEB and Intervenors are reviewing LUI’s plan.
Plan Approval
this is an upcoming stage for Lakefront Utilities Inc.’s 2022-2026 Cost of Service Rate ApplicationThe OEB has approved LUI’s application and provided the final decision on rates effective January 1, 2022.
Ontario Energy Board Notice to Customers of Lakefront Utilities Inc..pdf (145 KB) (pdf)
Customer Consultation Workbook.pdf (689 KB) (pdf)
Workbook - Standby Rate.pdf (535 KB) (pdf)
2019 Scorecard.pdf (272 KB) (pdf)
Rates Backgrounder (961 KB) (pdf)
Committee of the Whole_July 20 2020_LUI Presentation.mp4 (172 MB) (mp4)
Proposed Capital Work - Victoria & Parliament, Colborne.pdf (75.4 KB) (pdf)
Proposed Capital Work - Elgin Street Cobourg.pdf (387 KB) (pdf)
Proposed Capital Work - Downtown Conversion.pdf (344 KB) (pdf)
Proposed Capital Work - Downtown Conversion.pdf (344 KB) (pdf)