Cobourg Waterfront Boardwalk Replacement Survey
Environmental Considerations
The current wooden boardwalk is sitting on sand, and the boardwalk is continually exposed to rain, snow, ice, blowing sand, sun, and wind. The longevity of the new boardwalk will largely be determined by the materials ability to stand up to these elements as well as the construction of the supporting structure.
As per guidelines indicated in the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authorities (GRCA) Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan Hazard Mapping, to protect the new boardwalk from damage and a decreased lifecycle due to high water levels and wave uprush, a higher elevation is being considered for the portions of the boardwalk that fall within the "Dynamic Beach Setback". (i.e.100-year flood levels plus a 30-m allowance to account for the dynamic nature of the beach and dune system.)