Cobourg Waterfront Boardwalk Replacement
Consultation has concluded

Project Background:
The Town of Cobourg waterfront boardwalk was constructed over 15 years ago and it is now at the end of its service life. As the condition of the wood has deteriorated, there have been significant ongoing maintenance and inspection requirements to minimize safety concerns caused by rotting wood and exposed nails.
Project Area:
The current wood boardwalk spans from Ontario Street to Hibernia Street, including north-south connections to Ontario Street, Bagot Street, and Durham Street.
Environmental Considerations:
The current wooden boardwalk is sitting on sand, and the boardwalk is continually exposed to rain, snow, ice, blowing sand, sun, and wind. The longevity of the new boardwalk will largely be determined by the materials ability to stand up to these elements as well as the construction of the supporting structure.
As per guidelines indicated in the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authorities (GRCA) Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan Hazard Mapping, to protect the new boardwalk from damage and a decreased lifecycle due to high water levels and wave uprush, a higher elevation is being considered for the portions of the boardwalk that fall within the "Dynamic Beach Setback". (i.e.100-year flood levels plus a 30-m allowance to account for the dynamic nature of the beach and dune system.)
At the request of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee and as a requirement of the GRCA permitting approvals, the Town of Cobourg has completed an environmental impact assessment and inventory of existing vegetation, breeding birds, and screening for Species At Risk to mitigate and restore the impacts of the boardwalk replacement.
Accessibility Considerations:
Staff have received comments from the public, the Accessibility Advisory Committee, the Transportation Advisory Committee, and local cyclists stating that the boardwalk is too narrow for all the activities it is being used for such as cycling and mobility aids. Ontario Traffic Manual Book 18: Cycling Facilities notes that the suggested minimum width for multi-use paths is 3 m, and the desired width is 4 m where possible. The current boardwalk is 3m wide, located within a 5 m easement in some locations. Staff are recommending that the width of the replacement boardwalk will be 4m wide.
Budget Considerations:
Staff were successful in their application for a grant through the Active Transportation Fund where up to $450,000 will be funded. The remaining balance is expected to be debentured.
When reviewing the structure and material selection, it is important to consider the full lifecycle costs of each option and not just the ‘2023’ capital costs. Some options would have to be replaced several times within the lifecycle of other options.
Connection to Waterfront Nature Park:
The Cobourg Waterfront User Needs Assessment (completed in 2018) identified additional Pedestrian Walkways connecting the boardwalk to the Waterfront Nature Park (West Beach and Headland area) of the waterfront.
The new boardwalk must be built generally in the same location due to property restrictions, GRCA requirements to avoid new construction within the dynamic beach and to minimize damage to the existing vegetation along the beach. Footpaths that have already been naturally established may be more formally marked and signed as a future project however newly constructed boardwalks within the dynamic beach area are not being considered at this time.
Community Input:
The Town of Cobourg is seeking community feedback on the design of the new Waterfront Boardwalk. Residents are asked to complete the survey to submit recommendations on the following design elements:
- Boardwalk decking and railing materials
- Enhanced lighting options
- Enhanced seating options
How to Participate:
- Review the Public Information Centre materials - See the Documents section
- Complete the survey - Available until June 8, 2023
- Attend the Public Information Centre on May 31, 2023 at the Cobourg Community Centre
Construction Process and Next Steps:
Following the Community Engagement period, a report will be submitted to Council for their consideration at the June 26, 2023 Committee of the Whole meeting. Following Council review and final approval, the detailed design of the boardwalk must first be completed incorporating the designated materials, construction method and approved budget. Construction may begin in the fall 2023 however is expected to be completed in the spring of 2024.
Please see the Documents section to view the final Staff Report and Public Engagement Report.