Increasing Access in Cobourg's Downtown Core

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Background Information
The Inclusive Communities Grant Program (ICG) was announced on Monday, November 9th 2020 by the Ontario Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility (MSAA).

Inclusive Community Grants are designed to sustain existing, and create new, Age-Friendly Communities (AFCs) for older adults and people of all abilities by supporting projects with funding of up to $60,000.

Applications closed on December 21, 2020 and the Town of Cobourg made an application for the full $60,000 of funding. On March 11, 2021, the Town of Cobourg receive an email from the Ministry stating that we have been successful in our application. Over 300 applications were submitted for the grant and the Town of Cobourg is grateful for the opportunity to fulfil their project through this funding.

As a part of the Town of Cobourg's Multi-Year Accessibility Plan 2020 to 2024, the Town of Cobourg is required to receive feedback from Persons with Disabilities; however, there seems to be a disconnect between the community and how the Town receives feedback currently. The goal of this project is to align the Town of Cobourg's Multi-Year Accessibility Plan 2020 to 2024 with the Age Friendly Community guide to ensure that we are meeting the needs of all in our community.

Using the funding acquired from the Inclusive Communities Grant Program, the Town of Cobourg will expand public participation and accessibility.

The aim of this portion of the project is to understand the key areas of Cobourg’s downtown area that need improvements to accessibility.

Based upon prior knowledge, experience, and discussion with the Accessibility Advisory Committee, funds have been divided into three (3) key categories to improve accessibility for the Built Environment:

  1. Barrier-Free Entrances: Having more door actuators and increasing the ability to use these without having to necessarily touch them to prevent spreading of COVID-19.
  2. Wayfinding/Signage: Providing more information and ways to determine how to get to specific areas, especially the accessible facilities, by providing wayfinding and signs to assist.
  3. Barrier-Free Pathways: Through brickwork maintenance and/or adding in more safe crossing areas, there will be more accessibility for Persons with Disabilities.

The primary goal of this engagement is to learn about your top priorities for accessibility in the downtown core, which includes Victoria Hall, Victoria Park and Beach, and King Street East.

The public engagement objective for the Increasing Access in Cobourg's Downtown Core is to:

  • To determine the key areas that require more accessibility for Barrier-Free Entrances.

We are looking for your feedback:
To share your comments and opinions on the areas in the downtown area that require more accessibility when it comes to Barrier-Free Entrances, please contribute to the following public engagement opportunity below:

  1. Watching the short presentation on Barrier-Free Entrances.
  2. Participate in the Survey.

Background Information
The Inclusive Communities Grant Program (ICG) was announced on Monday, November 9th 2020 by the Ontario Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility (MSAA).

Inclusive Community Grants are designed to sustain existing, and create new, Age-Friendly Communities (AFCs) for older adults and people of all abilities by supporting projects with funding of up to $60,000.

Applications closed on December 21, 2020 and the Town of Cobourg made an application for the full $60,000 of funding. On March 11, 2021, the Town of Cobourg receive an email from the Ministry stating that we have been successful in our application. Over 300 applications were submitted for the grant and the Town of Cobourg is grateful for the opportunity to fulfil their project through this funding.

As a part of the Town of Cobourg's Multi-Year Accessibility Plan 2020 to 2024, the Town of Cobourg is required to receive feedback from Persons with Disabilities; however, there seems to be a disconnect between the community and how the Town receives feedback currently. The goal of this project is to align the Town of Cobourg's Multi-Year Accessibility Plan 2020 to 2024 with the Age Friendly Community guide to ensure that we are meeting the needs of all in our community.

Using the funding acquired from the Inclusive Communities Grant Program, the Town of Cobourg will expand public participation and accessibility.

The aim of this portion of the project is to understand the key areas of Cobourg’s downtown area that need improvements to accessibility.

Based upon prior knowledge, experience, and discussion with the Accessibility Advisory Committee, funds have been divided into three (3) key categories to improve accessibility for the Built Environment:

  1. Barrier-Free Entrances: Having more door actuators and increasing the ability to use these without having to necessarily touch them to prevent spreading of COVID-19.
  2. Wayfinding/Signage: Providing more information and ways to determine how to get to specific areas, especially the accessible facilities, by providing wayfinding and signs to assist.
  3. Barrier-Free Pathways: Through brickwork maintenance and/or adding in more safe crossing areas, there will be more accessibility for Persons with Disabilities.

The primary goal of this engagement is to learn about your top priorities for accessibility in the downtown core, which includes Victoria Hall, Victoria Park and Beach, and King Street East.

The public engagement objective for the Increasing Access in Cobourg's Downtown Core is to:

  • To determine the key areas that require more accessibility for Barrier-Free Entrances.

We are looking for your feedback:
To share your comments and opinions on the areas in the downtown area that require more accessibility when it comes to Barrier-Free Entrances, please contribute to the following public engagement opportunity below:

  1. Watching the short presentation on Barrier-Free Entrances.
  2. Participate in the Survey.
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
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Page published: 29 Jun 2021, 09:00 AM