2020 Budget
Consultation has concluded

Each year, the Town of Cobourg undergoes an annual budget process to create budgets that support town operations and deliver the programs and services required to maintain the high quality of life we enjoy in our community.
Through the budget process, choices are made to ensure Town of Cobourg services provided to citizens align with the priorities in Cobourg's 2019-22 Strategic Plan which were grouped under five pillars: People, Places, Programs, Partnerships and Prosperity. These were then broken down into 28 discrete actions.
Work to determine the Cobourg's 2020 budget is underway. Please follow the updates and discussion on Engage Cobourg to learn more about how the Town of Cobourg determines its annual budget.
Each year, the Town of Cobourg undergoes an annual budget process to create budgets that support town operations and deliver the programs and services required to maintain the high quality of life we enjoy in our community.
Through the budget process, choices are made to ensure Town of Cobourg services provided to citizens align with the priorities in Cobourg's 2019-22 Strategic Plan which were grouped under five pillars: People, Places, Programs, Partnerships and Prosperity. These were then broken down into 28 discrete actions.
Work to determine the Cobourg's 2020 budget is underway. Please follow the updates and discussion on Engage Cobourg to learn more about how the Town of Cobourg determines its annual budget.
Motion to Approve Final 2020 Budget Operating and Capital Budget - Passed
Share Motion to Approve Final 2020 Budget Operating and Capital Budget - Passed on Facebook Share Motion to Approve Final 2020 Budget Operating and Capital Budget - Passed on Twitter Share Motion to Approve Final 2020 Budget Operating and Capital Budget - Passed on Linkedin Email Motion to Approve Final 2020 Budget Operating and Capital Budget - Passed link
At Cobourg Municipal Council's REgular Council Meeting held on Monday, February 3rd, the following Motions regarding the 2020 Budget passed:Motion from the Committee of the Whole to approve the 2020 Operating and Capital Budgets for the Town of Cobourg.
Motion from the Committee of the Whole to approve the 2020 Environmental Operating and Capital Budgets for the Town of Cobourg.
Motions to Approve Draft 2020 Budget Operating and Capital Budget - Passed
Share Motions to Approve Draft 2020 Budget Operating and Capital Budget - Passed on Facebook Share Motions to Approve Draft 2020 Budget Operating and Capital Budget - Passed on Twitter Share Motions to Approve Draft 2020 Budget Operating and Capital Budget - Passed on Linkedin Email Motions to Approve Draft 2020 Budget Operating and Capital Budget - Passed link
At Cobourg Municipal Council's 2020 Operating and Capital Budget Review Meetings held on Thursday, January 9th and Friday, January 10th, the following Motions regarding the Draft 2020 Budget passed:Motion to approve Draft 2020 Town of Cobourg Operating and Capital Budgets
Moved by Mayor John Henderson, WHEREAS the Committee of the Whole has considered the 2020 Town of Cobourg Operating and Capital Budget recommendations as presented at the Committee of the Whole Budget Meeting held on January 9 and January 10, 2020;NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council approve the 2020 Capital Budget in the amount of $8,982,728; and FURTHER THAT Council approve the 2020 Operating Budget with the Municipal Levy of 24,761,992 which represents a %3.2 increase over the 2019 Operating Budget and a 2.2% net increase after allowing for New Assessment Growth of 1%. CarriedMotion to approve the Draft Water and Environmental Services Operating and Capital BudgetsMoved by Mayor John Henderson, WHEREAS the Committee of the Whole has considered the 2020 Town of Cobourg Environmental Services Budget recommendations as presented at the Committee of the Whole Budget Meeting held on January 9, 2012; Committee of the Whole Meeting Report JANUARY 10, 2020NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council approve the 2020 Operating Budget for Environmental Services for the Town of Cobourg indicating Total Revenue of $6,535,755 and Total Expenditures of $3,795,050 resulting in a Net Operating Surplus of $(2,740,705) which will be transferred to the Sewer Rates Reserve; andFURTHER THAT Council approve the 2020 Capital Budget for Environmental Services for the Town of Cobourg in the amount of $3,915,000 as outlined on the summary report. Carried
2020 Budget Divisional Staff Presentation Meetings Conclude
Share 2020 Budget Divisional Staff Presentation Meetings Conclude on Facebook Share 2020 Budget Divisional Staff Presentation Meetings Conclude on Twitter Share 2020 Budget Divisional Staff Presentation Meetings Conclude on Linkedin Email 2020 Budget Divisional Staff Presentation Meetings Conclude link(Issued November 29, 2019 at 4 p.m. EST) – The Town of Cobourg would like to inform citizens that the 2020 Divisional Staff Budget Presentation meetings that took place between November 21st through to the 28th have concluded and that all budgets are available online at www.cobourg.ca/2020budget.
Divisional Staff Presentation Meetings
November 21, 2019
- General Government- Planning and Development Services
- Economic Development
- Venture13 Innovation Centre
- Art Gallery of Northumberland
- Public LibraryNovember 26, 2019
- Public Works Division
- Environmental Services
- Protection Services – Fire Department
November 28, 2019
- Building Department and Bylaw Enforcement Services
- Community Services Division
- Protection Services – Police ServicesThe 2020 Draft Budget will be released for public review and comment on Friday, December 13th on the Town’s Municipal website at www.cobourg.ca and the Town’s online engagement platform, Engage Cobourg at www.engagecobourg.ca.
A Special Council Budget Session will be held on Thursday, January 9, 2020 from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. in Council Chambers where Council will review the budget in its entirety. If a second session is required it will be scheduled for January 10, 2020 beginning at 10 a.m. The Draft 2020 Municipal Operating & Capital Budget will be submitted for final approval by Council on February 3rd, 2020 at 4 p.m.
Online Engagement Available
Citizens are also encouraged to visit the Town of Cobourg’s new online engagement platform, Engage Cobourg (www.engagecobourg.ca). The online engagement platform will be accepting feedback on the 2020 Budget with a comprehensive ‘Financial Framework Survey’ and open-ended forums. All comments received on this platform will be included in a staff report prepared by the Communications Department for Council’s consideration.For further information on the 2020 Municipal Operating and Capital Budget please visit www.cobourg.ca/2020budget.
Municipal Grant Public Meeting to Begin at 2 p.m. on November 25th
Share Municipal Grant Public Meeting to Begin at 2 p.m. on November 25th on Facebook Share Municipal Grant Public Meeting to Begin at 2 p.m. on November 25th on Twitter Share Municipal Grant Public Meeting to Begin at 2 p.m. on November 25th on Linkedin Email Municipal Grant Public Meeting to Begin at 2 p.m. on November 25th link(Issued November 20, 2019 at 12 p.m. EST) – The Town of Cobourg’s Legislative Services Department would like to inform citizens that the Municipal Grant Public Meeting will now begin at 2 p.m. on Monday, November 25th to ensure enough time is given for all presenting applicants.
The Public Meeting will be held at Council Chambers, Third Floor, Victoria Hall, 55 King Street West, and also broadcast live on the Town of Cobourg’s YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/townofcobourg.
The agenda can be accessed through the Civic Web portal: https://cobourg.civicweb.net/portal.For additional information please contact the Municipal Clerk, Brent Larmer at 905-372-4301 or blarmer@cobourg.ca.
Public Notice: 2020 Budget Meetings Revised Schedule
Share Public Notice: 2020 Budget Meetings Revised Schedule on Facebook Share Public Notice: 2020 Budget Meetings Revised Schedule on Twitter Share Public Notice: 2020 Budget Meetings Revised Schedule on Linkedin Email Public Notice: 2020 Budget Meetings Revised Schedule link(Issued November 15, 2019 at 1:35 p.m. EST) – The Town of Cobourg would like to inform citizens that the 2020 Budget Schedule Division Staff Presentation meetings initially scheduled for November 19th have moved to November 21, 2019. All meetings will be held in the Council Chambers and are open to the public as observers.
Online Engagement Now Available
Citizens are also encouraged to visit the Town of Cobourg’s new online engagement platform, Engage Cobourg (www.engagecobourg.ca). The online engagement platform will be accepting feedback on the 2020 Budget with a comprehensive ‘Financial Framework Survey’ and open-ended forums. All comments received on this platform will be included in a staff report prepared by the Communications Department for Council’s consideration.
For further information on the 2020 Municipal Operating and Capital Budget please visit www.cobourg.ca/2020budget.
The Town of Cobourg Releases 2020 Municipal Operating and Capital Budget Schedule
Share The Town of Cobourg Releases 2020 Municipal Operating and Capital Budget Schedule on Facebook Share The Town of Cobourg Releases 2020 Municipal Operating and Capital Budget Schedule on Twitter Share The Town of Cobourg Releases 2020 Municipal Operating and Capital Budget Schedule on Linkedin Email The Town of Cobourg Releases 2020 Municipal Operating and Capital Budget Schedule link(Cobourg, ON) October 15, 2019 – The Town of Cobourg is currently in the process of preparing its 2020 Municipal Operating & Capital Budget (including Police, Art Gallery of Northumberland and the Library) and has released the official budget schedule. All meetings will be held in the Council Chambers and are open to the public as observers.
“This Council is committed to refurbishing, restoring and revitalizing our town assets for 2020 with a goal for the budget at 1.9%,” said Deputy Mayor Suzanne Séguin. “As we begin this budget process we must all keep in mind the five key pillars identified in the 2019-2022 Strategic Plan, including people, places, programs, partnerships and prosperity.”
Next steps in the budget process include the Special Council Budget session on Thursday, January 9th, 2020 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Council Chambers, Victoria Hall.
The final approval by Council will take place at the Regular Council Meeting on Monday, February 3rd, 2020.
Online Engagement Now Available
Citizens are also encouraged to visit the Town of Cobourg’s new online engagement platform, Engage Cobourg (www.engagecobourg.ca). The online engagement platform will be accepting feedback on the 2020 Budget with a comprehensive ‘Financial Framework Survey’ and open-ended forums. All comments received on this platform will be included in a staff report prepared by the Communications Department for Council’s consideration.For further information on the 2020 Municipal Operating and Capital Budget please visit our website cobourg.ca/2020budget.
A Letter From The Budget Chief
Share A Letter From The Budget Chief on Facebook Share A Letter From The Budget Chief on Twitter Share A Letter From The Budget Chief on Linkedin Email A Letter From The Budget Chief linkThe 2020 Budget for Cobourg will be the second for this term of Council. Earlier this year, Council members and staff worked together to create the Strategic Work Plan for 2019-2022. The five key pillars of this Strategic Plan include; people, places, programs, partnerships, prosperity.As we begin this budget process, we need to keep in mind these five pillars so that this budget aligns with Cobourg’s priorities and gives our residents a 20-20 vision for what we need to accomplish next year. The Operational and Capital funds Council allocates in this budget belong to the taxpayers of this community and must be respected at all times which is why extensive public engagement will be used.There are several ways to create a budget for a municipality. Historically, and in 2020, here in Cobourg, we will use departmental based budgeting. Budgets are built by town departments and each department is responsible for developing and presenting their budget to Council. The pros to this process is that department heads can speak to their areas and so they do most of the work. The cons include: multiple presentations to Council, this is not specific to services increasing cost pressures within the departments and it is not as transparent as other strategies. We hope to review other options for 2021 and beyond such as service-based budgeting and zero-based budgeting after an Operational Review is conducted for the Town of Cobourg.After considering provincial legislated obligations for Cobourg, funds that we have limited Council control of and funds that have full Council control, our goal for the 2020 budget is 1.9%. Our theme is to Refurbish, Restore and Revitalize Cobourg Assets for 2020. We look forward to the budget presentations from the public and town departments, Council budget deliberations and hope to have a final budget vote in February 2020.Sincerely,Deputy Mayor Suzanne Séguin2020 Budget Chief, Town of Cobourg
Who's listening
Phone 905-372-4301 Email idavey@cobourg.ca -
Phone 905-269-1560 Email sseguin@cobourg.ca
Project Schedule
October 16 2019
October 31 2019
November 25 2019
November 21 2019
Life Cycle
2020 Budget has finished this stageThis consultation is Open for contributions.
Under Review
2020 Budget has finished this stageContributions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review. The Project team will report back on key outcomes.
Final report
2020 Budget is currently at this stageThe final outcomes of the consultation are documented here. This may include a summary of all contributions collected as well as recommendations for future action.