2021 Budget
Each year, the Town of Cobourg undergoes an annual budget process to create budgets that support town operations and deliver the programs and services required to maintain the high quality of life we enjoy in our community.
Through the budget process, choices are made to ensure Town of Cobourg services provided to citizens align with the priorities in Cobourg's 2019-22 Strategic Plan which were grouped under five pillars: People, Places, Programs, Partnerships and Prosperity. These were then broken down into 28 discrete actions.
Work to determine the Cobourg's 2021 budget is underway. Please follow the updates and discussion on Engage Cobourg to learn more about how the Town of Cobourg determines its annual budget. You can also view the Town of Cobourg's 'Five Step Process' for a quick and easy way to understand our budget process.
Each year, the Town of Cobourg undergoes an annual budget process to create budgets that support town operations and deliver the programs and services required to maintain the high quality of life we enjoy in our community.
Through the budget process, choices are made to ensure Town of Cobourg services provided to citizens align with the priorities in Cobourg's 2019-22 Strategic Plan which were grouped under five pillars: People, Places, Programs, Partnerships and Prosperity. These were then broken down into 28 discrete actions.
Work to determine the Cobourg's 2021 budget is underway. Please follow the updates and discussion on Engage Cobourg to learn more about how the Town of Cobourg determines its annual budget. You can also view the Town of Cobourg's 'Five Step Process' for a quick and easy way to understand our budget process.
Cobourg Council Approves 2021 Municipal Operating and Capital Budget
Share Cobourg Council Approves 2021 Municipal Operating and Capital Budget on Facebook Share Cobourg Council Approves 2021 Municipal Operating and Capital Budget on Twitter Share Cobourg Council Approves 2021 Municipal Operating and Capital Budget on Linkedin Email Cobourg Council Approves 2021 Municipal Operating and Capital Budget link(Cobourg, ON) February 1, 2021 – Municipal Council has adopted the 2021 Municipal Operating and Capital Budgets with a 0.4% municipal levy increase, which equates to an increase of approximately $7 on the Town portion of the average home assessed by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) at $275 700.
During the month of December 2020, Council received presentations from Town staff across all divisions and departments with projections for the 2021 budget. Budget deliberations occurred over two days, on January 21 and 22, 2020, during a live meeting conducted over Zoom Videoconference and streamed on eSCRIBE, the Town’s meeting management software
At the conclusion of the budget deliberation sessions Council then approved a motion for the 2021 Capital Budget for $8 139 600 (as amended) and the 2021 Operating Budget (including the Library and Police) with the Municipal Levy of $24 793 569 which represents a 0.4% increase over the 2020 Operating Budget and a 0.2% net decrease after allowing for New Assessment Growth of 0.6%. Final approval occurred during the Regular Council meeting held on February 1.
“The global pandemic has brought upon many fiscal challenges that our Council and Town staff kept at the forefront of our budget deliberations,” said Deputy Mayor Suzanne Séguin for the Town of Cobourg. “It was our goal to keep our tax levy increase as low as possible while continuing to advance our strategic priorities and also aligning with the service level expectations of our community.”
Residents also participated in a four-week public engagement process on the Town of Cobourg’s public engagement portal, Engage Cobourg. The engagement process included a 2021 Financial Framework Survey where comments were received on the budget process and were taken into consideration by Council and Town staff prior to the final approval of the 2021 Municipal Operating and Capital Budget.
Under the Municipal Act, The Town of Cobourg Council is required to ensure that the following services are maintained: Police, Fire, Parks and Recreation, Roads, Transit, Land Use Planning, Local Government, Library, Solid Waste, Storm Water, Wastewater and Drinking Water.
Highlights of the 2021 Municipal Operating and Capital Budget include an adult fitness park, an increase in tree planting, hiring of one additional firefighter, the creation of a Natural System Stewardship Plan, additional downtown Pay and Display parking machines, an IT Strategic Plan and an Economic Development, and on-demand Transit Trial.
“Our Council listened to our residents and worked hard to make this a reality. Several motions were made to change, remove and defer items in this budget. We knew that the taxpayers of Cobourg could not afford a large tax increase due to COVID-19, continues Deputy Mayor Séguin. “I want to thank the community and our many engaged citizens who participated in our open budget deliberations and to Town staff for their hard work on the budget,” continues Deputy Mayor Séguin.
The final 2021 Municipal Operating and Capital Budget, including the Police and Library budgets as well as the Public Engagement Report can be found on the Municipal website at www.cobourg.ca/budget.
Watch the 2021 Special Council Budget Deliberations
Share Watch the 2021 Special Council Budget Deliberations on Facebook Share Watch the 2021 Special Council Budget Deliberations on Twitter Share Watch the 2021 Special Council Budget Deliberations on Linkedin Email Watch the 2021 Special Council Budget Deliberations linkOn January 21st and 22nd, Municipal Council reviewed the 2021 Operating and Capital Budget in its entirety. Watch those deliberation videos and read the Engage Cobourg Public Engagement Report.
- Special Budget Session #1: January 21, 2021 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Special Budget Session #2: January 22, 2021 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
The final budget will be approved at the Committee of the Whole Meeting on February 1, 2021. The agenda will be available on the Town's eSCRIBE page here: www.cobourg.ca/escribe.
Public Engagement Report Released
Share Public Engagement Report Released on Facebook Share Public Engagement Report Released on Twitter Share Public Engagement Report Released on Linkedin Email Public Engagement Report Released linkYour Voice, Your Town. Here's what our community told us about the 2021 Municipal Operating and Capital Budget.
Each year, the Town of Cobourg undergoes an annual budget process to create budgets that support town operations and deliver the programs and services required to maintain the high quality of life we enjoy in our community, and offers residents an engagement opportunity to review and comment on financial priorities. Municipal Council and Town staff gathered feedback from citizens to identify areas of focus for the Town’s current and long-term financial priorities. The 2021 Financial Framework Survey provided an opportunity for Cobourg residents to engage in the municipal financial planning process as staff prepare a draft budget and updated long-term financial plan for Council’s review and consideration.
The 2021 Financial Framework Survey concluded on December 14, 2020, and the Town of Cobourg is now releasing the Public Engagement Report for the 2021 Operating and Capital project. View the report here.
The Public Engagement Report will be included in the Special Council Budget Session on January 21, 2021 at 10 a.m. where Council reviews the draft budget in its entirety. Tune in to watch the meeting here: www.cobourg.ca/escribe
Town of Cobourg Releases 2021 Draft Operating and Capital Budget
Share Town of Cobourg Releases 2021 Draft Operating and Capital Budget on Facebook Share Town of Cobourg Releases 2021 Draft Operating and Capital Budget on Twitter Share Town of Cobourg Releases 2021 Draft Operating and Capital Budget on Linkedin Email Town of Cobourg Releases 2021 Draft Operating and Capital Budget linkThe Town of Cobourg would like to advise residents that the Draft 2021 Municipal Operating and Capital Budget has now been released and is available online for public input and feedback.
The draft budget is now available on the Town of Cobourg website and Engage Cobourg. Residents are encouraged to provide input and share feedback on the 2021 Draft Budget by visiting the open forum on Engage Cobourg at engagecobourg.ca.
Next Council Budget Meeting
Tune in to watch the Special Council Budget Session on Thursday, January 21, 2021 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. where Council will review and discuss the 2021 Draft Budget in its entirety. The agenda and livestream video will be available www.cobourg.ca/escribe.For more information please contact the Municipal Clerk at clerk@cobourg.ca.
A Letter from the Deputy Mayor
Share A Letter from the Deputy Mayor on Facebook Share A Letter from the Deputy Mayor on Twitter Share A Letter from the Deputy Mayor on Linkedin Email A Letter from the Deputy Mayor linkFor many residents the Town of Cobourg municipal budget process does not generate a lot of interest. However, during 2020, the year most of us would like to forget, we are hard at work crunching numbers and preparing the 2021 Operating and Capital Budgets. Until December 14, residents can log on to www.engagecobourg.ca to complete the Town of Cobourg 2021 Financial Framework Survey that helps your Municipal Council and Staff to identify areas of focus for the Town’s current and long-term financial priorities.
We know that this has been a tough year for many of you because of COVID-19. Keeping that in mind, the target levy for 2021 is 0% to 1% over the 2020 municipal levy that was $24.6 million. Approximately two-thirds of the Town’s operating costs are for services that are mandatory or essential in nature. A recent Service Delivery Review outlined areas where the Town can find efficiencies, save money, build reserves and minimize debt. Budgets approved by Council include General Government, Protection, Public Works, Cultural and Parks and Recreation.
There are Five Steps to the Budget Process: 1. Set the budget timeline (November 16, 2020) 2. Division staff presentations (December 8, 15 and 17, 2020) 3. Release of the Draft Budget for public review and input (December. 22, 2020) 4. A review by Council of the budget and public comments (January 21, 2021) and 5. Approval of the 2021 Budget (February 16, 2021).
There are many factors when planning Budgets including:
- Actual spending for 2020
- New projects that require financing
- Potential new staffing requirements
- New equipment like trucks, computers, phones, tools, etc.
Departments then submit their preliminary budgets to Finance staff who compile and review the budgets and plans, make suggestions and revise accordingly. The draft budget is then distributed to Council and senior staff for review. Council reviews the budget, makes amendments to add, delete or modify the proposed budget. The final budget is then approved at the next Council meeting. From this tax rates are set and approved.
We do want to hear from you. Please contact me anytime at sseguin@cobourg.ca or call 905-269-1560.
Press Release: Town of Cobourg Releases 2021 Budget Schedule
Share Press Release: Town of Cobourg Releases 2021 Budget Schedule on Facebook Share Press Release: Town of Cobourg Releases 2021 Budget Schedule on Twitter Share Press Release: Town of Cobourg Releases 2021 Budget Schedule on Linkedin Email Press Release: Town of Cobourg Releases 2021 Budget Schedule linkCobourg, ON (November 16, 2020) – The Town of Cobourg would like to inform residents that the 2021 Budget Schedule Division Staff Presentation meetings have been scheduled. All meetings will be held virtually by Zoom videoconference beginning in December 2020.
“Preparing the 2021 budget during the COVID-19 pandemic will be a challenge, but Town staff are working hard to bring their department priorities to Council so that the final budget will range from 0% to 1% for 2021. We appreciate your participation and comments,” said Suzanne Séguin, Deputy Mayor for the Town of Cobourg.
Residents are encouraged to provide input on the 2021 Municipal Operating and Capital Budget by submitting a delegation to Council for the Regular Council meeting on Monday, November 23, 2020. Delegation requests can be made online by visiting the Town of Cobourg’s new eSCRIBE page: www.cobourg.ca/escribe, clicking on the meeting date and hitting ‘Delegation request’
2021 Municipal Operating & Capital Budget Schedule
For further information on the 2021 Municipal Operating and Capital Budget please visit www.cobourg.ca/budget.
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Phone 905-269-1560 Email sseguin@cobourg.ca -
Phone 905-372-4301 Email tvaughan@cobourg.ca
Engagement Schedule
2021 Budget has finished this stageTo provide the public with balanced and objective information to assist in understanding the problems, alternatives and/or solutions.
2021 Budget has finished this stageTo obtain public feedback on analysis, alternatives and/or decisions.
2021 Budget has finished this stageThe final outcomes of the consultation are documented here and may include a summary of all contributions collected as well as recommendations for future action.
2021 Budget has finished this stageTo partner with the public in each aspect of the decision, including the development of alternatives and the identification of preferred solution.
2021 Budget is currently at this stageTo place final decision-making in the hands of the public.
Project Schedule
Document Library
2021 Financial Plan Highlights (189 KB) (pdf)
Final 2021 Operating Budget (5.33 MB) (pdf)
Final 2021 Operating Budget - Sewer (385 KB) (pdf)
Final 2021 Capital Budget (2.47 MB) (pdf)
Final 2021 Capital Budget - Sewer (326 KB) (pdf)
Public Engagement Report_Budget 2021_FINAL.pdf (2.67 MB) (pdf)
2021 Budget Calendar_Download_01.pdf (88.1 KB) (pdf)
2021 Budget Information_Poster.pdf (103 KB) (pdf)