Affordable & Rental Housing CIP
Public engagement has concluded.

The Town of Cobourg is a community of approximately 19,440 people located on the north shore of Lake Ontario approximately half way between Toronto and Kingston. Cobourg is rich in history and heritage, featuring architectural splendor dating back to the 1800s. The Town has fostered the preservation of its cultural heritage past through the implementation of four (4) Heritage Conservation Districts, plus many individually designated properties. Cobourg also enjoys a bustling, pedestrian-friendly downtown and world-renowned lakefront park, beach and full-service marina.
With our proximity to the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) and attractive small town urban lifestyle, it is expected that the population in Cobourg will continue to grow at a steady rate, with recent projections indicating that the Town's population will increase to approximately 26,000 people by the year 2036.
Affordable Housing Strategy
In March of 2019, following a year-long research and consultation process, the County of Northumberland released its draft Affordable Housing Strategy (AHS). The Study assessed the current state of the local and regional housing market, identified housing needs and gaps, and developed action plans with key recommendations for the County and its member municipalities to be implemented over the short to medium term.
The AHS is the primary, over-arching document that is intended to provide Northumberland County and its member municipalities with the necessary background information and strategic direction to help implement affordable housing in the county. As an outcome from the County’s housing strategy, local municipalities were encouraged to explore and implement measures to incentivize the development of affordable and rental housing.
On December 2, 2019, the County of Northumberland presented the draft Cobourg Affordable Housing Strategy (AHS) to Cobourg Municipal Council. The Cobourg AHS builds on the recommended housing actions in the Northumberland AHS and identifies a number of strategic measures which are intended to address the housing needs and gaps in the Town of Cobourg. One of the recommended actions of the Northumberland and Cobourg AHS is to consider the use of a Community Improvement Plan (CIP) to allow for the provision of incentives to encourage the development of affordable and rental housing in the community.
Community Improvement Plan
A Community Improvement Plan (CIP) can provide a suite of incentive tools to assist with the creation of affordable units. The CIP Study will develop a comprehensive, yet flexible, plan to assist in the development and enhancement of affordable and rental housing in the community. It will establish a coordinated and strategic mechanism utilizing the most effective tools available through the Planning Act and will focus on Affordable housing, Accessibility and visibility, Urban design and sustainability, Brownfields, Social and cultural well-being and Implementation, governance, marketing and monitoring.
The primary goal of this project is to develop a comprehensive, yet flexible, pro-active plan to assist in the development and enhancement of affordable and rental housing in the community, thereby improving the quality of life and social well-being of its residents. In addition, this project may also assist the Town in advancing its objectives for community improvement by encouraging sustainable, accessible and economic development. The Affordable & Rental Housing CIP will build upon the goals of the Official Plan by establishing a co-ordinated and strategic mechanism utilizing the most effective tools available through existing legislation. View the Cobourg Affordable and Rental Housing CIP Project Launch Event/Open House presentation.
Where We Are Now - Affordable and Rental Housing CIP
The MHBC Project Team has been working with the Planning & Development Advisory Committee (PDAC) and municipal planning staff to finalize the process for the development of a Community Improvement Plan (CIP) for Affordable & Rental Housing in the Town of Cobourg.
- We have completed the Background Information Collection and Analysis Phase (Phase 1), including convening initial public engagement forums and status updates to Council, and the preparation of a draft Background Report.
- We have prepared a draft Community Improvement Plan (Phase 2) and are now seeking further public input in refining the CIP focus areas and programs through on-line engagement tools and a Public Meeting of Council (Phase 3).
The public engagement objective for the Affordable and Rental Housing CIP is to:
- Gather feedback from citizens and stakeholders on the Affordable and Rental Housing CIP draft plan to be developed after the review process.
- Gather feedback from citizens and stakeholders on the panels in the Forum below.
We're looking for your feedback:
To share your thoughts on the Affordable and Rental Housing CIP please contribute to the following public engagement opportunities below, including:
1. Watch the Virtual Presentation
2. Participate in the Forum
Public engagement has concluded.