Harbour Infrastructure Repairs

About the Project
The Cobourg Harbour infrastructure, identified in the 2020 Shoreplan Engineering Limited Condition Assessment report as being at or near end of life, will be repaired. This infrastructure includes six main structures:
- East and west breakwaters,
- North and east harbour basin walls
- Center pier, and
- Fuel dock
Repairs will include new basin walls and enhanced breakwaters to provide a safe harbour for decades to come.
Approval of the aforementioned work is per Council resolution 466-20 dated December 3, 2020.
Scope of Project
This project will be executed in two main phases:
1. Basin walls: Rehabilitation of the walls on the north and east side of marina basin as well as the fuel dock.
• Replace old walls with new steel sheet pile walls with a concrete cap along the water’s edge.
• Fill behind the wall to ensure that the walkway is even and to reduce the frequency of maintenance required to fill sink holes
• Work will ensure a safe place for load in/ load out of boats
2. Breakwaters: Rehabilitation of the breakwaters that form the entrance to the harbour
- Existing concrete cap modified where required
- Additional stone material will be placed to build up the structures to provide additional protection and increase stability of the failed sections
The public information objective for the Harbour Infrastructure Repairs project is to:
- Inform residents of the scope of the upcoming repairs, schedule, and costs.
- Please see the Cobourg Harbour Rehabilitation - Public Information document for a detailed project overview
- Provide continuous information to the public on the initiation and projected completion of project phases
- Notify members of the public on any interference work may cause to accessing public spaces
Project Updates/Public Notices:
August 11, 2022: Soil Sampling
Cambium Consulting and Engineering will be on site at the Cobourg Harbour, Thursday, August 11, 2022 to conduct soil sampling in preparation for the Harbour Rehabilitation project.
As a pre-prerequisite to the Harbour Rehabilitation work, to commence fall 2022, the Town of Cobourg is obligated to conduct soil sampling in order to inform the awarded contractor of any potential soil contamination that may exist at the project site.
Cambium staff will perform geotechnical investigations to prepare a soil characterization report as required under O. Reg. 406/19. The assessment of past uses, sampling and analysis will provide integral historic information as we move forward with rehabilitation. The results of the investigation will guide the contractor, engineers, and staff to create plans for proper disposal of excess soils from the work site.