Heritage Permit By-law Review

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Image of Heritage Conservation District Signage at Chapel St. and College St.

Heritage Permit By-law Review

The Town of Cobourg is currently reviewing its Heritage Permit By-law to improve efficiencies and timing for residents applying for minor alterations to their properties.

The Heritage Permit process allows the Town of Cobourg to ensure that the heritage value of a property is not diminished. The focus of the By-law update is to protect and preserve Cobourg’s built heritage, while making it easier for those who are requesting to make minor and/or compliant alterations to their property.

Motivation for Update:

  • Providing improved customer service by reducing wait times for applicants while upholding CHAC participation and consultation
  • Improving the public perception of heritage planning and its approval processes

Heritage Protection:

The Ontario Heritage Act, 1990, R.S.O 1990, c. O.18, as amended grants permission to the Town of Cobourg to approve alterations to properties designated under Part IV and Part V. The recommended updates to the Heritage Permit By-law are focused on the process which applications are reviewed.

The proposed updates to the Heritage Permit By-law do not alter any policies and guidelines with respect to heritage protection for the Town of Cobourg.

Overview of Recommended Updates

  • Definition of what constitutes “maintenance” to assist in the approval of routine, non-destructive actions necessary to slow the deterioration of a Designated Heritage property.
  • Clarification and consolidation of:
    • Types of alterations that do not require heritage permits (See Section 4 – No Application Required, of the draft By-law)
    • Types of alterations delegated to staff for review and approval for individually designated properties and properties in a Heritage Conservation District. (See Section 5 – Authority for Delegation, of draft By-law)
    • What cannot be delegated to staff and where staff must consult with the Cobourg Heritage Advisory Committee (See section 5.1.4 and 6.10 of draft By-law)
    • Clarification that staff cannot deny a Heritage Permit application. If staff cannot support an application, the application is referred to Council (See section 5.1.8 of draft by-law)

Three-Stream Permit System

Currently, only minor alterations are delegated to staff for approval, with the remainder having to go to Council.

The recommended changes to the Draft Heritage Permit Bylaw would see the implementation of a three-stream permit system that would help to expedite minor and compliant alterations as well as emergency repairs.

Application Type

Approval Level

Estimated Timeline

Minor Alterations

Emergency Repairs

Staff Approval

Approx. 14-21 days
(2-3 weeks)

Compliant Alterations

Staff Approval and
Cobourg Heritage Advisory Committee Approval

Approx. 30-60 days
(1-2 months)

Major or Non-compliant alterations

Staff Approval,
Cobourg Heritage Advisory Committee Approval and
Council Approval

Approx. 60-90 days
(2-3 months)

Definitions: See section 2 of draft by-law

Supporting Documents for Review:

  • By-law 097-2009: Heritage Permit By-law
  • DRAFT Heritage Permit By-law, xxx-2024

Community Engagement Tactics

  • Submit an Idea!
    • Once you have reviewed the Draft Heritage Permit By-law, use the "Ideas" tool to provide your feedback or recommendations.

Timelines and Next Steps

This community engagement program will be available until November 15, 2024.

Community members are also invited to speak to this item at the November 11, 2024, Heritage Advisory Committee meeting at 4:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at Victoria Hall.

Staff will collect all feedback and report back to Council at the November 27, 2024 Public Works, Planning and Development Committee meeting.

For questions about the Heritage Permit By-law Review or any Town of Cobourg Community Engagement programs, please contact

Kara Euale
Manager, Communications
E: keuale@cobourg.ca
T: 905-372-4301 ext: 4105

Heritage Permit By-law Review

The Town of Cobourg is currently reviewing its Heritage Permit By-law to improve efficiencies and timing for residents applying for minor alterations to their properties.

The Heritage Permit process allows the Town of Cobourg to ensure that the heritage value of a property is not diminished. The focus of the By-law update is to protect and preserve Cobourg’s built heritage, while making it easier for those who are requesting to make minor and/or compliant alterations to their property.

Motivation for Update:

  • Providing improved customer service by reducing wait times for applicants while upholding CHAC participation and consultation
  • Improving the public perception of heritage planning and its approval processes

Heritage Protection:

The Ontario Heritage Act, 1990, R.S.O 1990, c. O.18, as amended grants permission to the Town of Cobourg to approve alterations to properties designated under Part IV and Part V. The recommended updates to the Heritage Permit By-law are focused on the process which applications are reviewed.

The proposed updates to the Heritage Permit By-law do not alter any policies and guidelines with respect to heritage protection for the Town of Cobourg.

Overview of Recommended Updates

  • Definition of what constitutes “maintenance” to assist in the approval of routine, non-destructive actions necessary to slow the deterioration of a Designated Heritage property.
  • Clarification and consolidation of:
    • Types of alterations that do not require heritage permits (See Section 4 – No Application Required, of the draft By-law)
    • Types of alterations delegated to staff for review and approval for individually designated properties and properties in a Heritage Conservation District. (See Section 5 – Authority for Delegation, of draft By-law)
    • What cannot be delegated to staff and where staff must consult with the Cobourg Heritage Advisory Committee (See section 5.1.4 and 6.10 of draft By-law)
    • Clarification that staff cannot deny a Heritage Permit application. If staff cannot support an application, the application is referred to Council (See section 5.1.8 of draft by-law)

Three-Stream Permit System

Currently, only minor alterations are delegated to staff for approval, with the remainder having to go to Council.

The recommended changes to the Draft Heritage Permit Bylaw would see the implementation of a three-stream permit system that would help to expedite minor and compliant alterations as well as emergency repairs.

Application Type

Approval Level

Estimated Timeline

Minor Alterations

Emergency Repairs

Staff Approval

Approx. 14-21 days
(2-3 weeks)

Compliant Alterations

Staff Approval and
Cobourg Heritage Advisory Committee Approval

Approx. 30-60 days
(1-2 months)

Major or Non-compliant alterations

Staff Approval,
Cobourg Heritage Advisory Committee Approval and
Council Approval

Approx. 60-90 days
(2-3 months)

Definitions: See section 2 of draft by-law

Supporting Documents for Review:

  • By-law 097-2009: Heritage Permit By-law
  • DRAFT Heritage Permit By-law, xxx-2024

Community Engagement Tactics

  • Submit an Idea!
    • Once you have reviewed the Draft Heritage Permit By-law, use the "Ideas" tool to provide your feedback or recommendations.

Timelines and Next Steps

This community engagement program will be available until November 15, 2024.

Community members are also invited to speak to this item at the November 11, 2024, Heritage Advisory Committee meeting at 4:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at Victoria Hall.

Staff will collect all feedback and report back to Council at the November 27, 2024 Public Works, Planning and Development Committee meeting.

For questions about the Heritage Permit By-law Review or any Town of Cobourg Community Engagement programs, please contact

Kara Euale
Manager, Communications
E: keuale@cobourg.ca
T: 905-372-4301 ext: 4105

Page last updated: 21 Oct 2024, 03:31 PM