Integrated Community Sustainability Plan
Consultation has concluded
In December 2019, Cobourg’s Town Council passed a resolution to declare a climate emergency and accelerate a transition towards carbon neutrality within Cobourg in response to the unprecedented global climate crisis. This resolution follows Council’s 2019 - 2022 Strategic Plan, which aims to position the Town as both an environmental steward and model sustainable community. It also aligns with prior sustainability work done in the 2010 and 2020 Climate Action Plan processes.
In response, an Integrated Community Sustainability Plan (ICSP) will be prepared to help realize the aims of the climate emergency resolution and preceding plans. The Plan willContinue reading
In December 2019, Cobourg’s Town Council passed a resolution to declare a climate emergency and accelerate a transition towards carbon neutrality within Cobourg in response to the unprecedented global climate crisis. This resolution follows Council’s 2019 - 2022 Strategic Plan, which aims to position the Town as both an environmental steward and model sustainable community. It also aligns with prior sustainability work done in the 2010 and 2020 Climate Action Plan processes.
In response, an Integrated Community Sustainability Plan (ICSP) will be prepared to help realize the aims of the climate emergency resolution and preceding plans. The Plan will comprise specific and achievable actions that both the community and municipal government of Cobourg will take to build on existing environmental progress and advance new measures to respond to the climate emergency.
Alongside the strategic direction provided by the ICSP, the Town is also leading two concurrent projects to prepare Green Development Standards (GDS) and complete a Green Energy Retrofit (GER) Feasibility Study. The GDS will explore how the urban development process can support environmentally sustainable outcomes that can include, but are not limited to, energy efficiency and management, active transportation, stormwater management, water conservation, and solar readiness. Meanwhile, the GER will evaluate the potential opportunities, resources, and tools available to retrofit multi-family residential buildings with energy-efficient and renewable energy systems with the ultimate goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from residential sources.
The ICSP / GDS / GER project will be informed by a number of different inputs, including the sustainability context of Cobourg, established standards and lessons learned from other communities in Ontario, municipal and regional priorities, and stakeholder feedback.
Planning Process
The combined ICSP / GDS / GER planning process launched in January 2022 and is anticipated to continue until early 2023. Phase one of the engagement, which ran from February to March 2022, sought to understand Cobourg's current state of sustainability. Phase two of engagement, which ran through May 2022, asked Cobourgians to contribute to creating a draft vision and goals for the ICSP. Phase 2.a of engagement ran in the summer of 2022, where residents were provided with an outline of the draft vision, goals and actions and asked to provide the level of support and feedback on each. The final phase of engagement, held in November to December 2022, sought feedback on a draft version of the ICSP.
The feedback gathered through these initial phases of engagement has led to the development of the first-ever Integrated Community Sustainability Plan for Cobourg. Documents produced during the planning process can be found in the Key Documents section of this page. We anticipate the ICSP will be brought forward to Cobourg Town Council in the first quarter of 2023.
The ICSP project team is appreciative of the time and effort taken by participating Cobourgians to support this important initiative for both the Town and community of Cobourg.
Public Engagement Objective
The public engagement objective for Phase three of the ICSP engagement process was to:
Share key components of the plan for community input and to understand if there is anything egregiously missing or incorrect
Understand the overall level of support from the Cobourg community for the forthcoming goals and actions
Gauge interest from the community about what actions they would like to participate in
Supporting Documents
- The Climate Emergency We are Facing, Prepared by the Sustainability and Climate Emergency Committee of Cobourg (SCEAC)
- Town of Cobourg Climate Action Plan for Future Generations (Approved in Principle)
- Town of Cobourg Resolution 484-19 (December 2, 2019), Motion to Declare a Climate Emergency and Accelerate GHG Reduction Actions in the Town of Cobourg
- The Ecological Footprint Calculator
- Cobourg Integrated Community Sustainability Plan - Phase one engagement overview
- Cobourg Integrated Community Sustainability Plan - Phase Two What We Heard Report
- Cobourg Integrated Community Sustainability Plan - Draft Direction Summary July 2022
The public engagement process for the Integrated Community Sustainability Plan has concluded as of December 2022. We anticipate the ICSP will be brought forward to Cobourg Town Council in the first quarter of 2023.
ICSP Forum
over 2 years agoShare ICSP Forum on Facebook Share ICSP Forum on Twitter Share ICSP Forum on Linkedin Email ICSP Forum link2 ResponsesCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.Do you have additional thoughts on sustainability in Cobourg? We'd love to hear from you!
Who's Listening
Phone 905-372-1005 Email -
Phone (877) 328-9180 Email
Engagement Schedule
Integrated Community Sustainability Plan has finished this stageTo provide the public with balanced and objective information to assist in understanding the problems, alternatives and/or solutions.
Integrated Community Sustainability Plan has finished this stageTo obtain public feedback on analysis, alternatives and/or decisions.
Integrated Community Sustainability Plan has finished this stageThe final outcomes of the consultation are documented here and may include a summary of all contributions collected as well as recommendations for future action.
Integrated Community Sustainability Plan is currently at this stageTo partner with the public in each aspect of the decision, including the development of alternatives and the identification of preferred solution.
this is an upcoming stage for Integrated Community Sustainability PlanTo place final decision-making in the hands of the public.
Key Dates
November 17 2022
December 16 2022
Supporting Documents
Town of Cobourg Resolution 484-19 (December 2, 2019), Motion to Declare a Climate Emergency and Accelerate GHG Reduction Actions in the Town of Cobourg (324 KB) (pdf)
Cobourg Climate Action Plan For Future Generations - Approved in Principle.pdf (1.73 MB) (pdf)
Cobourg Integrated Community Sustainability Plan - Phase one engagement overview (284 KB) (pdf)
Cobourg Integrated Community Sustainability Plan - Phase Two What We Heard Report (498 KB) (pdf)
Cobourg Integrated Community Sustainability Plan - Draft Direction Summary July 2022 (1.23 MB) (pdf)
Cobourg’s Sustainability and Climate Change Emergency Advisory Committee’s Ecological Footprint Calculator
DRAFT Report - Integrated Community Sustainability Plan - November 2022.pdf (2.58 MB) (pdf)
Walkthrough Video