Potential Affordable Housing Sites
Consultation has concluded

In November 2020, Cobourg Municipal Council approved the Affordable and Rental Housing and Community Improvement Plan. At this time, in recognition of the current need for affordable housing in Northumberland County, Council further directed staff to create an inventory of potential municipal-owned surplus lands, buildings and/or facilities to consider as potential support for the donation or sale of surplus lands.
This work continued in 2021 and included the efforts of an internal ad-hoc working group. Following extensive review, in November 2021 a staff report was submitted to Council identifying eight shortlisted properties that form the basis of this public engagement opportunity.
Reference Documents:
- Town of Cobourg Affordable and Rental Housing Community Improvement Plan
- Northumberland County Affordable Housing Strategy
- Northumberland County Affordable Housing Grant Program
Potential Sites that may be development for affordable Housing Projects
Following extensive discussion, and based on an examination of all information available, the Working Group short-listed the inventory to include the following municipally owned properties for further consideration as part of a comprehensive public consultation and engagement process:
- 17 Charles Street (Charles Street Parking Lot)
- 216 Furnace Street (Memorial Arena Parking Lot)
- Note: The future use of the Memorial Arena is currently being reviewed as part of a Town of Cobourg Public Engagement program. To learn more and get involved please visit the What's Next for the Memorial Arena project page.
- 69 Ballantine Street (Morley Cane Park)
- 521 Delanty Road (Fitzhugh Park)
- Tracey Park
- 96 Alice Street - Former Tannery Property
- Westwood Park
- Hibernia Street Parking Lot
Important Note Regarding Park Spaces
Any park spaces listed are not identifying the entire park for housing, nor eliminating existing playground and other park amenity features, but only potentially using a portion of the site for infill residential uses. These parks are critical for the health and well-being of the neighbourhoods in which they are located. If alteration to park spaces were to occur, possible conversion of open space to park space may be considered at other sites to offset the loss and meet the Parks Master Plan general direction for additional park space in Cobourg.
Important Note Regarding the Disposition of Municipal Lands
Should any of these sites be endorsed for the purposes of affordable housing development, the Town of Cobourg would be required to follow the due process established by the By-law for the sale and disposition of land by the corporation of the town of Cobourg, being By-law 013-2008, and as guided by the Affordable and Rental Housing Community Improvement Plan.
Important Note Regarding Future Applications under the Planning Act
An amendment to the Official Plan and/or Zoning By-law, together with Site Plan Approval, and various supporting studies would be required in most cases to permit residential uses on these municipal lands. It is suggested that the ultimate proponent(s) of affordable housing projects be responsible for exercising due diligence and obtaining all municipal approvals with respect to the applicable site(s).
Public Engagement Objective:
The public engagement objective for the Potential Affordable Housing Sites project is to:
- Inform residents and the development community of the land use inventory results and sites identified.
- Hear feedback from Cobourg residents on these sites including ideas, questions or concerns from neighbouring community members.
- Explore development opportunities with the development industry and housing provider community.
How to Participate on Engage Cobourg
Residents are encouraged to share their thoughts by participating in the following public engagement opportunities:
Next Steps:
Following the consultation and engagement period on these eight sites, Staff will review all feedback and prepare a report back to Council that will include the following:
- A detailed summary on this public engagement process
- Further detailed analysis of development opportunities and constraints for each of the eight sites
- A recommended course of action to move forward on the development of the sites for affordable housing (Note: it is possible that the ultimate outcome of this process may result in development not being recommended on certain sites at this time).
*If you require any of the information in an accessible format, please contact communications@cobourg.ca.