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Governance Review: In December 2023, following an extensive review and community engagement program, Council enacted a new procedural by-law choosing to move to a standing committee process in 2024.
Standing Committee Structure at a Glance: Standing Committees are affiliated with municipal divisions and overall priorities and policy decisions. Cobourg now has three standing committees consisting of:
Community Services, Protection and Economic Development Standing Committee - Meetings held on the second Wednesday of the month at 9:30am
Public Works, Planning and Development Standing Committee – Meetings held on the second Wednesday of the month at 1pm
Corporate Finance and Legislative Standing Committee – Meetings held on the second Thursday of the month at 1pm.
Regular Council meetings are held on the last Wednesday of the month at 6pm
Advisory Committees and Local Boards: Meetings for the following Statutory Local Boards and Advisory Committees are currently ongoing:
Legislative Committees:
Accessibility Advisory Committee
Audit and Risk Committee
Heritage Advisory Committee
Committee of Adjustment
Property Standards Committee
Local Boards:
Police Service Board
Cobourg Public Library Board
Downtown Business Improvement Area Board of Management
Ongoing Engagement and Updates The procedural by-law dictates such things as the structure of Council Meetings, how decisions are made, steps taken to ensure meetings are transparent and open to the public and how citizens are able to communicate with Council on agenda items or issues in our community. Cobourg Council and staff are therefore committed to ensuring that Council procedures and decision making processes are accessible to our community.
In September 2024 further changes were made to the procedural by-law following community and Council feedback. Now staff are reaching out to seek feedback from residents on the new structure and their experience with it.
This survey is available in print for anyone who requires it. Please contact Cassidy Sweet, Council and Committee Coordinator at or 905-372-4301 ext: 4403
Or in person at Victoria Hall, 55 King Street West, Cobourg, ON
Governance Review: In December 2023, following an extensive review and community engagement program, Council enacted a new procedural by-law choosing to move to a standing committee process in 2024.
Standing Committee Structure at a Glance: Standing Committees are affiliated with municipal divisions and overall priorities and policy decisions. Cobourg now has three standing committees consisting of:
Community Services, Protection and Economic Development Standing Committee - Meetings held on the second Wednesday of the month at 9:30am
Public Works, Planning and Development Standing Committee – Meetings held on the second Wednesday of the month at 1pm
Corporate Finance and Legislative Standing Committee – Meetings held on the second Thursday of the month at 1pm.
Regular Council meetings are held on the last Wednesday of the month at 6pm
Advisory Committees and Local Boards: Meetings for the following Statutory Local Boards and Advisory Committees are currently ongoing:
Legislative Committees:
Accessibility Advisory Committee
Audit and Risk Committee
Heritage Advisory Committee
Committee of Adjustment
Property Standards Committee
Local Boards:
Police Service Board
Cobourg Public Library Board
Downtown Business Improvement Area Board of Management
Ongoing Engagement and Updates The procedural by-law dictates such things as the structure of Council Meetings, how decisions are made, steps taken to ensure meetings are transparent and open to the public and how citizens are able to communicate with Council on agenda items or issues in our community. Cobourg Council and staff are therefore committed to ensuring that Council procedures and decision making processes are accessible to our community.
In September 2024 further changes were made to the procedural by-law following community and Council feedback. Now staff are reaching out to seek feedback from residents on the new structure and their experience with it.
This survey is available in print for anyone who requires it. Please contact Cassidy Sweet, Council and Committee Coordinator at or 905-372-4301 ext: 4403
Or in person at Victoria Hall, 55 King Street West, Cobourg, ON
Cobourg Council and staff are committed to ensuring that Council procedures and decision making processes are accessible to our community. The Town of Cobourg Clerks Department invites you to participate in a survey to share your experiences and suggestions for engaging with Municipal Council.
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